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June 04, 2003 - 6:10 p.m.

ups n downs

i just quit my weekday job, have the rest of the month and then that's it. so my second job now says they'd like me to work full time - they'd give me more money (don't know how much yet) and I'd be working closer to the area where I want to live... trouble is, the second job is retail - and I've always told myself I hate retail. Will making money really be enough to keep me happy and sane? Or do I turn this down and keep hoping that I'll land some other job in this crazy market full of unemployment and uncertainty? If I take the job, am I acting out of fear of not finding something better? If I don't take the job, am I just being a wuss about work?

Aaahh ha ha ha ha!!! I'm going to be a racecar girl next weekend... Get to stand around lookin cute and smiling until my face breaks... Woo hoo! 3 days in the sun - beats sitting at a desk in the dark... And they're paying me!!!

I'm experiencing a cuddle deficiency... I hope it's not something I need to get used to...

E-brakes suck ass.

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