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November 11, 2003 - 9:55 p.m.

Consideration. The meaning of life?

So, my snugglebum is living back at his parents' house for a while. I get to stay with him when we want. This is good.

It's funny --- I haven't been mothered in soooo long. She asks me if I have a jacket every time I step outside, even to grab something from the car. She bought me softy slippers to use whenever I'm there, so I'm comfortable. She's always asking me if I'm hungry - and telling me all the things that are available should I decide I need something to eat.

Real Moms are some of the best people ever.

Isn't it funny how we can only appreciate all that worry when it's no longer necessary? I mean, when I couldn't fend for myself, I resented the smothering mummy stuff... But in the many years that I've been on my own, I just eat it up. It's endearing to me.

Oh yeah, it was our anniversary on Sunday. I was depressed (for other reasons of course) and so stayed in bed all day finishing a book and we both forgot. Poop. [Oh, but I think we made up for it later...]

I love my Boris-pie.

Even as he spends all his waking hours click-click-clicking away at a keyboard... Twirling that screwdriver... Running those programs...

I love watching him do anything. I can't see his face, but I know he's got a serious look on it... The curve of his shoulders makes me want to take a bite, but he's working and his parents are in the next room. So I click click click away too... Awww, a sigh... How sweet.

I'm in love every day. Every day. Every day.

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