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January 03, 2003 - 5:13 p.m.


Hmmm, Christmas was interesting...

A few days prior, my mom asks me if I want a new tv... I said no, there are other things I would like much more than an idiot-box sucking my brain out. Christmas morning: what a surprise!!! A TV!!!

She just can't comprehend me not wanting to while away the hours listening to the drone of newspeople, salespeople, and drama royalty...

In my house growing up, there was a tv in every room. And every one of them had to be on at all times. My mother couldn't sleep unless the television was on in her room at a loud volume. I think it's her security blanket...

Anyway, I'm taking the damn thing back. Call me an ungrateful brat all you want, but I DON'T WANT A TV!!!

A-hem. Okay.

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