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January 03, 2003 - 5:25 p.m.


Driving is so great. (Well, as long as I'm not on a tight schedule...)

I've been driving a lot lately, and I've had the rare opportunity to run out of music and turn the stereo off completely. I found the lost joy of talking to myself!!!

I've been spending a lot of time around a lot of new-for-me people. It's been really wonderful. I'm grateful to have met everyone, and to have been included in such fun and funny get-togethers.

It can be hard to get to know any one person when it's such a mad shuffle of many going around, and most of them already knowing eachother through intimate friendships... It almost feels like I'm stealing when someone is talking to me and not to one of their close friends who is there.

New year's eve was really fantastic. I felt a little better having invited a friend of my own, so I didn't feel like such a social thief.

I was jolly, good n drunk. I danced, I puked and I passed out. What more could a girl ask for? It was a great time, with great people, and I do hope I haven't seen the end of my time with them.

Love to all.

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