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January 19, 2003 - 7:45 p.m.

The theater will swallow me whole...

I had a very short, but very nice chat with my father today... He came to see my show on Friday, and "can't believe (I) can do that every night." Neither can I, really, and my hyper-self-critical side is saying "maybe you don't." He was a nice reminder that I need to work on getting OUT of character as much as getting into it... Life is good, even if I've broken two cars in one week. (Damn, I guess I'll try walking.)

But it was certainly a surprise to get such a good review from the local critic who is known for bashing local theater... She didn't like much, but I guess she thought I was good... I know that's supposed to make me feel *great*, but when a compliment is thrown in among negative criticism, as it was in her article, it's bittersweet. It would have been so much nicer to hear that the whole show was great, and that I stood out among the greatness, instead of "the show was adequate" and I stood out from that. I don't know how to take that... Everyone is telling me that it's amazing what she wrote about me, and I guess in my inexperience, I just don't get it.

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