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January 13, 2003 - 7:25 p.m.


Why do I find so much satisfaction in being overworked? I realized that I almost enjoy it when my job is asking too much of my time... especially with how little I get payed...

I'm there at 7:45am, I leave at 6:45pm... and any complaints are really for everyone else's sake - because that's how they'd expect me to react, when in reality, I just like being busy!!!

My goal is to find my own ways to keep myself busy - with more than just busy work (although this can be a great way to shut off my brain temporarily.) I'm going to get a new camera, a good lighting set-up, and make a music video. It's something I've always wanted to do, but never had the chance. At the university I attended, they did not allow the making of music videos for any production assignment... Lame.

Now to find a musician or a band that I can conspire with to create this masterpiece... mmmmmmmmm, yummy.

I can't believe what an absolute mess I've been making of my bed lately - no restful sleep here - my pillows are scattered all over the room each morning, and I'm lying horizontally... Wierd. Hmmm, maybe I should look into a restraint system - anyone got a lender? j/k... maybe.

I'm sill-il-y happy that I discovered Frou Frou... Cheesey electronic pop, YAY! (Used to be Imogen Heap)

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