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January 20, 2003 - 5:54 p.m.

Testing... 1,2,3... Can you see me?

My friend called me very excited about receiving all this validation this weekend - personal and career. And realizing that he's already where he should be - and on his way to where he wants to be. He's so full of joy, and I'm so happy for him.

And amidst all that, he says "I don't know why you even like me."

I'm stumped. He knows how great he is, but can't figure out why I would agree?

What does that say about what he thinks about me? Does he think I am incapable of truly appreciating him? I am reminded of some of my own tactics in figuring other people out:

It�s actually quite funny - I have asked everyone I�ve ever been involved with what they like about me � and while it comes disguised as an attempt at validation, I have completely different motives. Most people can only recite my physical qualities; some throw in that I�m smart, some that I�m creative, and there have always been some nice surprises as well... They don�t know that while I�m asking them for what they think about me, I�m actually evaluating them.

I can tell a lot about a person based on what they even notice about me, or hold as important or noteworthy, and what they don�t. It's about what they value in others.

So I will give this guy a list, and hope that I pass his test...

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