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January 21, 2003 - 7:36 p.m.

Sierra, little angel

From the day I moved in, and even before I moved into my sister's place, I had doubts that it was the greatest idea. I told myself it would probably be my last chance to try and build stronger bonds to my sister, and that I would be helping her so much by her not having to depend on some worthless guy to help with the rent anymore...

Well, there have been issues from the start, and while I seriously consider looking for another place, something happens.

My seven year old niece comes into the bathroom as I'm brushing my teeth, and gives me a big hug, and says "I'm glad you're here... instead of some boy."

That's all the reason I need for now.

The sacrifices I may be making don't compare to the difference I'm making in a little girls life just be being there...

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