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February 15, 2003 - 1:30 a.m.


Valentine's day... Oops, not anymore!!! Hooray!

I spent a nice quiet day with myself, pondering, wondering, discovering I need to have scar tissue removed from my cheek... I ripped the stitches after I had all of my wisdom teeth out by puking when I tried to take a pain pill... Ick. Well, it didn't heal correctly...

Made it through the doctor's appointment this morning... and the speculum... Going back again next week... Should know soon whether the nightmare is over or not... I hate being alone when all I want is someone to hold me. I need that - and just that. No preludes to more...

I didn't have any chocolate today... maybe that's why I feel so grumpy. 3 more shows and I'm done. I didn't even talk to the cast before I went on stage tonight... Just sat there with my head buried in my lap. Went out with everyone afterward though. Danced a bit, hydrated myself with ice water. :) Now I'm off to bed. And I hope more than anything that I will be able to sleep in!!! Why OH Why is that soooo hard?

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