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March 16, 2003 - 11:02 p.m.

Back on the stage

We're doing the show in Sacramento in April. It's a MUCH bigger stage and audience capacity... I'm afraid that means it will take much bigger slaps and head-slams, and tears... Eeeeks! It's exciting, but I'm glad it's only a one-weekend run. I couldn't do that role on an on-going basis again.
I'm so torn: I told several people that I'd be moving again in a month (though not my sister yet), but now I'm getting along with her... Wierd. It would be so good for me to move back in with pops, get my bills payed off and then move again debt free! But living with pops: I love my dad, he's a great guy, but the house is in the boonies and it smells like charcoal and salami (his favorite food.) What do I do?!
It's nice to miss someone - it's even nicer when the missing is over... Mmmmmm hmmmm. Can't wait, must have snuggles, growing weak, cold chills... Well, that's what heaters and hot showers are for. Yay for me: I have both... Wow (frown), it's so sad to think that there are so many in the world who don't have either...

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