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May 12, 2003 - 10:55 p.m.

Tomorrow... and tomorrow... and tomorrow...

I will buy a box of pencils, a notebook and a sketch pad. I miss those things... When and why did I ever let go of them? I will go to the cliffs, the forest, the hills...

I will see if my dad has my grandfather's old wood-carving tools - I rediscovered my fascination with whittling...

Perhaps I will sell my video camera and get a new still camera...

New socks! The best present a girl could ever get! (Ok, maybe it's just me.)

Another doctor's appointment - but no worries until I have to, right? I'm sure it's nothing - just allergies! Yeah, that's it...

I will write a poem and a song.

I will give myself a foot-rub with gooey scented lotion.

I will eat ice cream.

Job search - the perfect one is just waiting for me, right?!!!

House hunt - it's there, only I don't know where there happens to be yet...

Brush my kitty for another hour... maybe buuy some clippers and finally shave her. It's summertime - she'll be fine!

Buy another case of Brambleberry juice. mmmmm.

Happiness takes planning sometimes - I think I've got the next few days covered!

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