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June 30, 2003 - 12:53 p.m.

So, well, then...

Right now, as I sit at work (the work that was to be finished last week, that is now extended to this week) I want nothing more than to go home and throw away everything I own. I want to trash it all. And not in a bad way. What an amazing feeling that would be. Just clear it all out. Start from scratch. I don't need little bits of tattered whatevers to remind me of what's important. The things I shouldn't forget, I won't.

The problem is maintaining this feeling of motivation all day, so that I will actually do something about it when I finally get home tonight. Instead of letting it slide one more day, or week, or year.

I inherited this terrible affliction from both of my parents - the Pack Rat syndrome. Why oh why do I feel the need (I mean NEED) to hang onto clothes that don't fit, papers that have no relevance, trinkets and bobbles, and random junk!

When I fill my room with a scrambled mess, my mind is filled with more of the same... I want to do some cleaning - physical and mental. It's a need... now, finding the time while trying to maintain an income...

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