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July 10, 2003 - 7:52 p.m.

A little boost... that's what I needed...

I was kinda losing confidence... not in the long run, but in the short-term scheme of things... But I got another job today, that could turn into something bigger. I like that - potential.

I also have a new plan about my own pursuits as far as film goes. Since there is no way in hell that I can afford a full professional video equipment setup, I've decided that I'll go still images for a while. I'm going to get the nicest digital camera I can find for the money, and build a photography portfolio so that at least I can show something to someone when it comes to my vision, style, talent, er whatever. I think I may also be successful as a photographer... I think women might be more comfortable with another woman behind the lens, so that shots could turn out better, more natural... I think photography is another industry dominated by men - and I think I like the idea of stomping my way into it.

Yay for me. And for chocolate chip cookies.

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