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January 24, 2004 - 12:20 p.m.

Pussy footing around

I was having a lovely evening with Jenny, Adam, and Boris. We were in Jenny's car, and I couldn't help but notice a strange smell... I laughed and said it must be Boris' feet. We went out for coffee, forgetting about the mysterious odor, but as soon as we get back into the car, there is no mistaking it: it smells like pussy. I asked Jenny if she and Adam had a quickie earlier - No. There was a half-rotten apple in the backseat that we inspected - but that just smelled like an apple... Soon, the smell made it up to the front seat and Jenny's concern grew... She hadn't had the car very long... what if the smell was the reason the guy was selling it? So, in one last effort, I made Boris smell his shoe. Sure enough, we found the source. His new shoes must have come from the pussy factory. We passed around his foot so that everyone could indeed verify that yes, my beloved, has pussy feet.

Hmm, his feet could inspire a foot fetish, if one was inclined to the smell of snatch.

:) I promised Jenny I would tell of this tale... I hope I did it justice!

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