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January 07, 2003 - 6:49 p.m.


On the note of friendships:

I really miss my friend "couples"... It seems that most of my good friends have split up, and my relationships with the individuals is inevitably changed... It's easier to meet other people when I am part of a couple myself; then men aren't trying to date me, and women don't see me as as much of a threat, I guess...

It's also awkward when my girlfriends start seeing someone and all of a sudden, it's like they're surgically attached... "oh, I don't know if I can go, I don't think GUY would want to..."

I mean, I love it when I see people in love, but maintaining some sort of independence is a must!!! Don't drop an interest just because it's not something you can share with your partner... Is their love so conditional that you'd lose it if you liked something they didn't?

Anyway, I'm off to the death factory again... I'm in a play about the holocaust, and it's depressing, and exhausting, and it's not going to end any time soon...

I need smiles and laughter and affection and hugs and snuggles... all those who can accomodate and share, please contact me... in the few minutes a week that I am not at work or at the theater!!!

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