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March 05, 2003 - 7:33 a.m.


I don't know where
The answers lie,
But I try not to get hung up
On the questions...
And I burn like a good bonfire
In whatever I do..."

Lamb. Remains one of my faves over the past ten years... No, not the meat - I'll throw up if I even smell it cooking - the band!

I hope I'm getting myself into something out of control.
I hope there's going to be something I can't handle all that well.
My tendency for caution only brings me to points of frustration -
I need to let it slip out of my hands...
Challenge myself...
Take it all in, whether I think it fits or not. Take every opportunity, whether I think it's ideal or not, wise or not...

And remember that when I'm happy it's because of what I'm doing - when I'm not happy - I'm not doing those things.. So I should try to do the happy things as much as possible, and never wait for anyone else to fill in the down time...
Smile - just watch it unfold, slowly or quickly, this is my life...

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