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March 25, 2003 - 10:23 p.m.


I want to find my comfort zone. I've always heard people talk about "getting out of your comfort zone" - to challenge yourself... I don't know if I've ever known a comfort zone. I become uncomfortable so easily, in virtually any situation... I get bored, I get tired, I get anxious, I get excited, I get hyper, I get scared, I get disgusted, I get wierd, I get grouchy... I get uncomfortable...

Comfort, to me... it's really hard to even envision what this would truly be. Floating effortlessly in warm water, with soft light and soothing sounds... That would be physical comfort... But for me to be completely comfortable, it would have to go so far beyond my body...
Is there any way for me to know it before I find it so that maybe I can work toward it, instead of trial-and-error, or waiting for it to just "happen." How do I find this out about myself. What sort of questions do I pose - what direction do I take to find that fuzzy place where everything is just right... I feel like I catch brief glimpses of such a place,a space, but then the moment is gone and I start to analyze before I can recognize or appreciate...
Maybe in my dreams...
Hmmm,I better get on it!

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