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March 31, 2003 - 11:30 p.m.


Wow. I had an amazing weekend. I am fortunate to have a brain that takes such good mental pictures when I want it to... (And that courteously spares me the images I ask it not to remember... Although I get into trouble with this sometimes.)

The sky was so blue, the clouds like slow dancers, swirling. There was everything. Everything. The full impact of that actually hit me just now as I'm typing this: The sparkling ocean glittering from afar. The greenest hills and valleys, wild flowers blanketing the earth. Little streams ringing clusters of tiny bells in joy. Happy wonderful trees wherever they feel like being. Impossible slopes that I'd surely glide down, and if I were to try I could almost fly. Beautiful rocks nudging their faces out from their soft beds. Lizards and caterpillars, birds and coyotes. Perfect day-dream places under the shade of an oak, or a maple.

Seeing the magic in the world again... Letting the magic in me be again... Remembering when everything was magic to me. And being reminded that it still is - that I just need to open myself to it. Sharing such a wonderful world with someone special... I could have sat there all day, all night. Watched and listened to the world wake and sleep, feel the warmth of the earth after it's spent it's day absorbing the life of the sun. Holding and being held, limbs intertwined, my face in the curve of your neck, seeing the beauty of us matching perfectly with the beauty around... Let's not come down next time...

And to the other side of the mountain - all that people have burdened themselves with - reminding me that magic is so close - and that I can see it at the same time as seeing the sprawling highways and cities - letting me know that it is that much more real for still existing among everything that is not quite so beautiful anymore...

I love the world.

And the kiss of the sun may leave my skin hot, and the little insect bites on my bum - they remind me, every moment I go to scratch an itch, of the beauty I experienced... Of the beauty that is now a part of me forever. I will carry it with me.

Smile. Sigh. And in your room... unabashedly, undeniably, unmistakeably, incredibly... yummy.
I want banana breath every day. ;)

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