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April 02, 2003 - 6:05 p.m.

Too many thoughts...

There are two wonderful women that I work with. They are intelligent, funny, friendly, and I think they both have dyslexia... Part of my job is to go over things they write for the main records... I sat there today imagining how frustrating that would be, really putting myself in that space - to have a simple uncontrollable glitch in my brain that makes me skip letters, or add ones that don't belong, or mix them up... I'm so self-critical - how annoyed I would get - to have to scribble and erase constantly... They seem to be doing fine with it. I think computers are really a godsend to some people - especially with spellcheck...

Saw Mr Hill at my show last night - his best friend is in it with me... I wish it didn't have to be so wierd - I can see the strain in his face as a reflection of my own... I played the whole duck-and-dodge so many times around town to avoid him. I got over that one. But even trying to be genuine seems like it's just not worth it - makes me think there's no reason for us to act like we know eachother - because the sad (er not) fact is: we never did.

Thank you, Bananis. I've said it before: it's not how much time, but how it's spent... Pure amazement. You, me, the world. Just add a little flavor and everything is beautiful!!!

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