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May 05, 2003 - 2:05 p.m.

Lard Ass! Lard Ass! Lard Ass!

It was pretty wierd to bring a full lazagna lunch plate back to the office, sit down to eat, and be literally cheered on by students and hounded by teachers (who were really just hoping I wouln't be able to eat it all, so I'd share it with them!) It was almost like a pie-eating contest - only I was the only participant. People are always so surprised to see me eating because I guess I look like I don't. It kinda sucks because then they move on to thinking I'm on drugs.

Food puts me in a better mood... Always. If I'm grumpy, give me a cookie, or an ice cream cone, or a bowl full of pasta...


J*b opening: massage therapyst. must be willing to travel, and work for smiles, oohs, and ahhhs. please send a list of your qualifications, and preferably have a name beginning with a "B"


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