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May 28, 2003 - 10:20 p.m.

This diary o' mine

I dunno... This whole thing is kinda wierd to me. I've read so many blogs that make me feel like I really know the person reading them, they give so much of themselves through their words... then others where it's really more like little quotes of the day... mine, well, I don't know...

I don't think I'd think I knew me after having read my entries without knowing me in person... (Yes, I love bad sentences today.) It says a lot of things, but it says so little too. I guess in the end, I'm writing for me. It doesn't really matter if anyone else reads what I write. It's a new form of expression for me, and I'm still experimenting with it... I kind of like the idea of it being a way to keep in contact with people, when distance and hectic schedules prevent long talks and quality time... I like the form of commentary offered. It's interesting to see a stream of thought spill out the other side of so many different people's brains as an entirely different idea altogether. Advice, feedback, perspective. It's a fairly non-threatening way to become involved in someone's life, if even in a small way.

I used to write poetry. non-stop. I'd write about 5 poems a day. then I didn't anymore. I don't really remember when exactly that happened. It must have been about 4 years ago or so. I just lost that kind of inspiration, I guess. I found others, of course, but I kind of miss the poems flowing out on a daily basis. It was like I couldn't go to sleep at night without having written something.

So what am I doing with this diary thingy? Is it a venting ground? Is it my adventurous side? Is it a battleground for my shyness? Is it retarded? Is it a cop-out to conversation? Hmmm. Well, better than nothin I s'pose.

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