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April 05, 2004 - 8:14 p.m.

Any day now...

I will be sitting in a rocking chair on a porch, with my teeth in the jar next to me, cataracts clouding my eyes so that children think I'm a mystic at best and a witch at worst, straggley hair of my own matching the straggley hair of my 4 cats, enjoying the last bit of sunlight I can feel instead of see before the breeze cuts through my knit shawl and I must creak my way into my house to feed the cats, have a spot of tea, turn on the electric blanket and remember...

And I will be so glad that I had a friend named Jenny who took me to a knitting circle when we were young and vigorously making our way to becoming...

March 26, 2004 - 5:28 p.m.

Dar dar dar dar

I've made more efforts to be social in the past few weeks... I am glad of this... I feel like maybe, just maybe, I may not be a complete social moron after all...

What is not so good is that I became exhausted from not getting enough sleep...

i wanna make music.

March 18, 2004 - 8:49 p.m.

Tunnel Vision

Okay - so my pics may be sloppy right now - but at least I'm using my camera... I'm shooting while driving - gimme a break!!! :)

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